Happy Spring! Happy Autumn!

In the Northern Hemisphere we are celebrating the first day of Spring. On the Vernal Equinox, day and night are of equal length. The earth wakes from its long Winter’s nap and signals the renewal of plant life.
We can also renew ourselves. New plans, new good habits, new outlook on life.
Happy Spring to Everyone!

In the Southern Hemisphere it is the first day of Autumn. Day and night are again of equal length. The leaves are beginning to turn into their bright hues and the air is getting chilly. Time to harvest and finish projects.
Happy Autumn to Everyone!

Wheel of the Year is here on magickmermaid.com


  1. Hi Morgaine!!

    Lovely artwork in you post!
    It’s not chilling here in Tasmania yet, though there have been one or two cooler days. It’s been VERY dry this year, the native bush and trees are really struggling! Ferns are struggling to grow faster than wallabies eat them, leaves on understory plants are wilting and the giant gums have flowered unusually profusely and shedding their leaves – they are not deciduous!
    A “storm” came through this afternoon but hasn’t brought much rain so far. Hopefully winter will bring some much needed moisture to the soil.

    Enjoy your lengthening days and some sunshine 😀


    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much, Tone! Haven’t seen you in a while. I thought maybe you went hiking.
      Weather has been weird. It got warm early and some of my crocuses bloomed just in time for a light snowstorm and too much rain. My daffodils and tulip leaves are sprouting so I might have some flowers soon. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Kristen! It snowed and rained last night. And there are swirling snow flurries right now! 🙂 My daffodils and tulips which are about to bloom soon are probably very confused. 😀

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  3. Beautiful fall and spring trees! They make me happy, all those vibrant colors. I do love the summer solstice, but the vernal equinox is more joyful to me. Warmth and blossoms are close at hand.

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