Happy Valentine’s Day!

Henri and his fiance, librarian Rita Booke, hosted a Valentine’s Day party.

Everyone was having a wonderful time and then an amazing experience occurred. A magickal pink cloud floated in through the window singing “Some Enchanted Evening”. 

And then across the crowded room, Rob Rooster saw Cassandra Chicken. It was love at first sight! And everyone lived happily ever after.

Happy Valentine’s Day! :)


  1. What a phen-gnome-enal experience! 🙂 I love “Rita Booke”. Her name reminded me of how while pregnant, I contemplated naming one of my sons Reed but since my last name at the time was Moore, I didn’t think they’d appreciate the librarian jokes for the rest of their lives.

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  2. I’m sure it was love at first peck. Rob probably scratched out a heart in the dust and vowed to never look at another hen. Before long the barnyard will be filled with cheeping young chicks.

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