Happy Imbolg and Lughnasadh!

Here in the Northern Hemisphere we are celebrating Imbolg (or Imbolc). Imbolg celebrates the Goddess in her incarnation as the Bride of the returning Sun God. For the celebration of Imbolg, many candles are lit to symbolise the return of light and heat represented by the Sun God. Grain dollies made from the sheaves of the last harvest represent the Bride. The Goddess and God await the return of Spring and their sacred marriage at Beltaine. Often called Midwinter, as Imbolg is half-way between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox.

In the southern hemisphere, Lughnasadh is celebrated today. Named for the Irish Sun God Lugh, Lughnasadh is the first of three harvest festivals.  This festival celebrates the grain harvest as well as fruits and vegetables that ripen in late Summer.  A perfect time to try a new bread recipe, dry herbs, preserve fruits and veggies!

Celebrating the 8 solar festivals of Celtic, Norse and Druidic origin
The Wheel of the Year Altar Art Prints on Parchment or White
The print can be displayed on your altar and turned as each festival is observed.
Available here on magickmermaid.com


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