Share Your World – 17th April 2017- Week 14


Here are my answers to Cee’s Share Your World 2017  –  17th April edition

When writing by hand do you prefer to use a pencil or pen?
The u-bic-uitous Bic crystal!
bic pen

Would you rather be an amazing dancer or an amazing singer?
As I am neither, I’ll take either!  (I have two left fins and my siren song is ear-splitting.)

If you were on a debate team, what subject would you relish debating?
Is there intelligent life on Earth?

What are you a “natural” at doing?
Being able to teach myself how to do things that generally require formal education.


  1. We are very good at losing our pens, too. We have a blue million around here, even on the desk, but can’t find a working one when we need it like NOW. haha

    Isn’t it fun to teach yourself stuff? I love independent learning, my way, my speed, and in a way that makes sense and works for me. 🙂

    I enjoyed your post. Have a blessed day!

    Liked by 1 person

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