What’s Your Sign? Lunar Astrology & Druid Tree Lore for July and August Birthdays

Druid Tree Lore – Celtic Lunar Astrology
Holly~Unicorn  8th July to 4th August

Holly Unicorn Druid Celtic Astrology July and August BirthdaysThe Holly is a symbol of life as it remains evergreen and is also a plant of protection. It represents the dark part of the year (the Holly King).  The Unicorn’s spiral horn is a symbol of the sun’s power or a flaming spear which corresponds to the hottest part of Summer.  The Unicorn also represents purity and endurance.  The fire festival of Lughnasadh is celebrated during this month. Those born under this sign are said to be practical with great integrity, responsible, logical and trustworthy.

See the entire collection of zodiac signs on my website, MagickMermaid (Studio tab at the top of the page).

About Druid Tree Lore and Celtic Lunar Astrology

People have been marking the passage of time by the phases of the moon for millennia. Although it is impossible to say for certain because the lore and traditions were not written, many historians believe that both the Celts and Druids used a 13 month lunar calendar.  The months and symbols differ from the solar calendar with which most of us are familiar. Druidic horoscopes are often mentioned in legends.

Trees have long been a source of sacred folklore with each chosen to represent the months and having its own magickal properties. The Ogham symbols may have been devised by ancient Druids. As several of the symbols refer to trees, the ogham alphabet is often called the Tree Alphabet. These symbols are included next to the tree names which are shown in both English and Old Irish. The animal symbols are my interpretation based on various sources. The ruling planets of each sign are also noted.  The information provided here is an introduction to the wealth of knowledge concerning Druid teachings and Celtic lore.


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